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The design team at Allovue was tasked with designing and publishing a new marketing site with a 2 month timeline to launch ahead of a major conference. My co-designer Lolo Zhang and I did an entire floor-to-ceiling responsive redesign of the site in about 3 weeks. We had an outside agency do the nuts and bolts template programming and then I integrated the delivered designs into our CMS with time to spare before the summer conference.

I did the initial design and colors. After we agreed on the direction, Lolo and I split design duties and put together pages. In addition to working on page layouts Lolo did all the illustrations which were crucial to its polished feel.

Our goal was to focus on the most common personas of our products, and to make our site feel like a breath of fresh air compared to the sites our ideal customers are used to interacting with.

Project Info

2 Months


Design, Direction, CMS Integration, Programming

Jake Mauer ©2022